There are many ways you can make payments for land taxes and custom work
invoices. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office.
Phone: 306-768-2212 or email: [email protected]
Good old fashion cheque. Please make payable to:
R.M. of Moose Range No. 486
Box 699
Carrot River, SK
S0E 0L0
R.M. of Moose Range No. 486
Box 699
Carrot River, SK
S0E 0L0
Please send e-transfer to:
[email protected]
no password is necessary, payments will automatically deposit
[email protected]
no password is necessary, payments will automatically deposit
Online bank payments can be made depending on which bank you use. Search for the Rural Municipality of Moose Range No. 486 under payee options and enter your owner number as the account number. Owner number can be found behind your name on the top right corner of you tax notice.
Pre-Authorized Payments can be arrange to take monthly payments from your bank account. Any payments made prior to the years taxes be levied, are put into a prepaid taxes account and are applied as a credit on your tax notice. Please complete the pre-authorized debit agreement and send it to the R.M. office.